Sunday, September 27, 2009

Creativity in Communication - Dora borrow a page

'Tings Dey Happen' is a story about the Niger Delta oil politics - and is set to be performed in Lagos, Calabar, Abuja, Jos and Bauchi. Ironically, it is not being sponsored by our re-branding and miscommunication guru in the Ministry of Information but by the US State Department. So much for being in control of our content.

Please go and see it and let me know what you think - I am hoping it will come and show in Boston.

To find out more Google 'Dan Hoyle + Tings dey happen'


Unknown October 30, 2009 at 10:51 AM  

wow, so much for content management like you said. her programmes are not well thought out and that's why it never took off and never will.

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